bluRadio Essentials Instructions manuals

Export Data

In this section you will learn how to export data.

  • In order to export the data to a CSV file, click on the “Import/Export” menu item at the top and select “Export data to CSV’s (n[2000])”.

    An explorer window should pop up showing you the CSV file.

The CSV files will include the last 2000 measurements. The files will be automatically generated inside a “csv-reports” folder.

When opening a CSV file in your program, make sure to use “;” as a delimiter for columns.

bluRadio Essentials Instructions manuals

Show Diagram

In this section you will learn how to show a diagram, change the time period and read the points.

  • In order to show the diagram click the “Diagram” button that is located at the bottom of the logger’s box.

    A new window should pop up showing the chart of temperature and/or humidity changes over time.

  • On the right you can select the date period. Just click on the “calendar” icon and select a new date. Click the “Set” button to apply the changes.

  • Also, on the right you can change the time period. Just type the time in the text box. Click the “Set” button to apply the changes.

The change in time still takes place even though once you click on the “Set” button the time reverses back to the original time.

  • You can also mouse over onto any of the points on the chart to get more recording information.

bluRadio Essentials Instructions manuals

Add Logger

In this section you will learn how to add a logger.

  • In order to add a logger, you will have to provide a logger’s ID. If logger has encryption you should include a key.

    Additionally, you can provide a name value that will be inserted as a title in your logger’s box.

    After that you should be able to see a new box appearing on the right.

Depending on the logger’s settings, new data can appear immediately or after an interval period – time set previously on the logger.

You will be able to see the most recent temperature measure, humidity level, battery voltage, RSSI, and the latest measurement’s day and time.

The information will be updated once the logger measures new values.

bluNFC Essentials Instructions manuals

Export Data

In this section you'll learn how to export data to different formats.

  • In order to export data, select “Export” from the top menu and select the way you would like to export it.

The main difference between “general data” and “all data” is that “all data” also comes with measurements history.

bluNFC Essentials Instructions manuals

Delete Data Row

In this section you'll learn how to delete a data row.

  1. In order to delete the row with the logger’s data, click the “trashcan” icon.

  2. A new window should pop up confirming this action. Click the “Yes” button. A row should disappear.

bluNFC Essentials Instructions manuals


In this section you'll learn how to download different types of the reports.

PDF report

  1. In order to download the PDF report, first place the logger on the NFC reader.

  2. Then click the “PDF” icon.

  3. Now select where you would like to save the report and click the “Save” button.

In comparison to CSV or XLSX reports, for PDF reports you will have to put the logger on the NFC reader prior to selecting an export icon.

CSV report

  1. In order to download the CSV report, click the “CSV” icon.

  2. Click the “Yes” button if you would like to use data from the row (that means it will use data that was already saved in the app). If you would like to use data directly from the logger, click the “No” button.

  3. Place the logger on the NFC reader and click the icon again.

The report will be automatically saved to the “csv-reports” folder.

XLSX report

  1. In order to download the XLSX report, click the “XLSX” icon.

  2. Click the “Yes” button if you would like to use data from the row (that means it will use data that was already saved in the app). If you would like to use data from the logger you want to scan, click the “No” button.

The report will be automatically saved to the “xlsx-reports” folder.

bluNFC Essentials Instructions manuals


In this section you'll learn how to access graph.

  1. In order to access the graph, click the “graph” icon.

  2. Click the “Yes” button if you would like to use data from the row (that means it will use data that was already saved in the app). If you would like to use data directly from the logger, click the “No” button.

  3. Place the logger on the NFC reader and click the icon again. A new window should pop up that will show the graph.

  • In order to change the date range for your graph, just select new dates and times on the right. You can type the dates and times directly in the fields or select a date by clicking the “calendar” icon. Once you are finished, click the “Show” button.

  • In order to reset the date range for a graph to a default one, click the “Reset” button.

  • In order to zoom in the graph to a specific segment, just click and hold the left mouse button and draw a shape. Once you are finished, let go of the left mouse button. The graph should zoom in. In order to go back to a previous view, just click the “Reset” button.

  • In order to get specific measurement information for a point, just mouse over it. You will see more detailed information about the point on the right under calendar fields.

bluNFC Essentials Instructions manuals


In this section you'll learn how to start and stop a recording.

Start recording

  • In order to start a new recording, first select “Logger” and “Start new recording” from the top menu.

  • If you have “Show logger version scan window before start programming” option enabled in the settings, you will be asked whether you would like to use automatic hardware detection. Select your choice and scan the logger.

    You can also select a checkbox if you would like to save the selection and do not show the window again (you can also set these preferences in general settings).

Some logger types support additional fields and if you would like to set values for these fields then using automatic hardware detection would be required. When enabled, an additional wizard will appear with these fields.

You can enable or disable automatic hardware detection in general settings under the field “Show logger version scan window before start programming”.

Remember, if you are using this option, you must put the same types of loggers on the reader. If you would like to use different types of loggers, please start a new recording.

  • A window will open allowing you to choose and modify the recording settings.

  • You can apply the settings from previously saved settings (“Available settings”). If you select “Last Data”, the settings from the last new recording will be applied.

  1. You can also save you settings for later use, by clicking the “Save settings” button.

  2. A new window should pop up. On this new window specify your new settings name and click the “Save” button. You should receive a message near the bottom that the settings were saved successfully.

  1. In order to overwrite the recording settings, first select the name of the settings from the “Available settings” field.

  2. You can make the changes in the fields.

  3. Now, click the “Save settings” button at the bottom. A new window should pop up.

  4. On this new window type the settings name (the same you have selected) and click the “Save” button.

  5. Click the “Yes” button on the new window. Now you should see a message “Success! Current settings saved!”.

  1. In order to delete the recording settings, first select the name of the settings from the “Available settings” field.

  2. Now, click the “trashcan” icon near the “Available settings” field. A new window should pop up.

  3. On this new window click the “Yes” button. A message “Success! Current settings deleted!“ should appear at the bottom.

  • You can choose to start the recording immediately, with a delay (based on number of minutes or specific date and time) or manually (with the “push” button).

    Delayed start

    Manual start

  • You can also select profiles (“Profiles data”) in order to customize the fields for your recording. Further in this instruction there will be more explanation on how to create and edit your own profiles.

  • Now, click on the “Start recording” button. Click the “Yes” button to start the recording.

  • A window will open inviting you to place the first logger on the reader. Follow the instructions and wait a few seconds. You can start a recording for as many loggers in a row as you wish.

  • After a successful start of a recording you should be able to see the message “Success – Change logger”.

  • Once you are finished, just close the window.

If you see the message “Error – Change logger”, there could be few possible causes:

  • Removing the logger from the NFC reader too quickly (during the “Data transmission in progress” step)

  • Starting a recording for single-use loggers that already have/had a recording

If you see the message “You must use the same type of recorder as the one detected during automatic detection”, that means that the logger type you have inserted during the detection period is different from the logger type that is currently on the NFC reader.

Stop recording

  1. In order to end the current recording, select “Logger” and “End current recording” from the top menu.

  2. Then place the logger on the NFC reader. You should see a message “Success – change logger”.

  3. Now you can remove the logger from the NFC reader.

bluNFC Essentials Instructions manuals


In this section you'll learn how to access your logger's data.

General data

  1. In order to access general data from your loggers (that is what you see on the table), first select “Logger” and then “Read Logger” from the top menu.

  2. You should be able to see the window with a map (if you have a “Check the location before reading data” option enabled in the settings).

    Please make sure the location is correct. Use the zoom functionalities on the top left to zoom in and out the map. In order to change the location, click on the map and the pointer will change its location. Once you are satisfied, click the “Save” button.
  3. A window will open inviting you to place the first logger on the reader. Follow the instructions and wait a few seconds. You can read as many loggers in a row as you wish. After a successful reading you should be able to see the message “Success – Change logger”.

    Once you are finished, just close the window. You should see row(s) with logger(s) data.

If you have indicated your bluConsole login, data will be automatically uploaded to your account and will be available on

If you see the message “Error – Change logger”, there could be few possible causes:

  • Removing the logger from the NFC reader too quickly (during the “Data transmission in progress” step)
  • NFC reader issue or other issue – just remove the logger and put it again on the reader. Repeat it few times till it works.

Make sure to close your window after you are finished. When the window is opened you will not be able to access the top menu of the app.

If you can not find the window, please click the bluNFC menu located at the bottom of your screen. Just click on the “X” icon at the top right.

Recording parameters & map

  1. In order to access recording data for a specific logger, click the “gear” icon on the right.

  2. Click the “Yes” button if you would like to use data from the row (that means it will use data that was already saved in the app). If you would like to use data directly from the logger, click the “No” button.

  3. Place the logger on the NFC reader and click the icon again.

  4. A new window will pop up showing you the recording data.

  • In order to see the last recorded position on the map, click the “pin” icon located at the bottom. The map will zoom in to this position.


  • In order to access the history of the recordings, click the “timer” icon. A new window should pop up showing the list of recordings with various data.

  • In order to delete a recording, click the “trashbin” icon located at the right.

  • In order to access recording parameters of a recording, click the “gear” icon.

  • In order to access a graph of a recording, click the “graph” icon.

  1. In order to edit the name of the recording, click the “pen” icon located at the right. A new window should pop up.

  2. On this new window type a new name and click the “Save” button.

Last recording data

  1. In order to access last recording data, first place the logger on the NFC reader.

  2. Then select from the top menu “Logger” and “Last recording data” option. A new window should pop up showing you the last recording data.

Last recording data will show you data from the most recent recording.

Last block of measurements

  1. In order to access the last block of measurements, first place the logger on the NFC reader.

  2. Then select from the top menu “Logger” and “Read the last block of measurements” option.

  3. A window will open inviting you to place the logger on the reader. Follow the instructions and wait a few seconds.

  4. Once you have finished, just close the window.

In comparison to the “Read logger” option, “Read the last block of measurements” allows you to read just a few of the most recent recordings, making the loading of data much faster.

bluMobile Essentials Instructions manuals


In this section you'll learn how to search and sort loggers.

  1. In order to search for a specific logger, first make sure you are inside a main dashboard. Tap on the “loop” icon located at the top left. A search bar should appear.

  2. Now, type your logger ID and data should filter automatically.

  • In order to remove the top search bar, just tap on the “loop” icon again.

  • In order to reset the search, tap on the “loop” icon again. Remove the content within the field and tap on the “loop” icon once again.


  • In order to access sorting/type functionalities, tap on the “filtering” icon at the top left. A top bar should appear with 2 drop down menus.

  • On the first drop down you can sort your loggers based on a measurement time or ID.

  • On the second drop down you can sort your loggers based on a type (e.g. temperature, humidity or light).

  • In order to remove the top sorting/type bar, just tap on the “filtering” icon again.

bluMobile Essentials Instructions manuals


In this section you'll learn how to download a report and later find it on your phone.

  1. In order to download a report, first make sure you are inside a main dashboard. Tap on the “download” icon located at the top right.

  2. A new window should pop up. Now, select the date period and the hub ID or car plate number (if it is associated with the hub ID). You can also fill in your email address to receive a report to your email.

Make sure your car plate number or hub ID is in big capitals and starts with the “#” sign.

  1. Now tap on the “Download Report” button at the bottom. A loading animation should appear. After some time you should receive a message at the bottom stating “Pdf Downloaded“.
  2. On Android, go to “My Files”, “Internal storage” and “Download” to access your report.

  3. On iPhone, go to “Files”, “On My iPhone” and “bluMobile” to access your report.

bluMobile Essentials Instructions manuals


In this section you'll learn how to read data, access graph and breaches.

Boxes overview

Green square
Red square
Grey square

Each square represents an individual logger.

A “green” square means that the measurement for the given logger is maintained within the authorised limits.

A “red” square means that the measurement is above/below the authorised limits.

A “grey” square means that the logger is inactive (either the distance is too big or the battery on the logger is too low).

Temperature box

The boxes may differ in look based on a measurement type. Below I will show you some examples with description on how to read data. Enjoy!

Temperature/light box

Temperature/humidity box

Flood box

Temperature/power box


  • In order to access more in-depth data, just tap into any logger.  A new screen should appear. At the top you can switch between “Details”, “Graph” and “Breaches”.

Inside “Details”, you will be able to see details like logger ID, hub ID, organization name and threshold values.


  • In order to access the graph, tap into the logger and tap “Graph” at the top.

  • In order to change the date range, tap at the top right drop down menu and select a desired range.

  • In order to widen or shrink the graph horizontally, drag it or expand it with your fingers horizontally.

  • In order to see a graph on a full screen, tap on the “full screen” icon located at the bottom right. In order to quit the full screen mode, just tap on the “x” icon located at the top right.

  • In order to see a measurement for a specific point, just tap anywhere on the graph and a window should pop up with measurement information.


  • In order to access breaches, tap into the logger and tap “Breaches” at the top.
  • In order to change the date period for your breaches, tap on the drop down menu located at the top right and select a desired range.